What is the best treatment for gastritis?
Gastritis is a condition that usually involves inflammation of the lining around the stomach. This condition can be caused by many factors like excessive alcohol consumption, abusing of painkillers, smoking, and bacterial infections. But gastritis can be treated through both medical and home remedies
The stomach produces corrosive and strong acids (i.e., digestive juices) for the digestion process. The stomach is lined by a membrane which is called the gastric mucosa to shield the stomach from these acids. When this layer is injured or weakened, the acids can easily damage the gastritis mucosa and bring about gastritis in the stomach. Research has proven that diet plays an important role in triggering as well as preventing the condition. Certain foods produce more acids than others and irritate the stomach lining while others soothe the inflammation and reduce it thus, healing it naturally. Gastritis can be caused by the following:
Bile reflux: A flow of bile back to the stomach from the bile tract.
Heliobacter pylori: A type of bacteria that thrives in the mucous lining of the stomach. This can lead to ulcers and, for some people, stomach cancers when left untreated.
Infections: Other infections that are caused due to virus and bacteria.
If left untreated, gastritis can lead to severe bleeding and risk of developing cancer in the stomach.
Symptoms of gastritis:
The gastritis symptoms depends upon the individual and it varies from person to person. In many people there are no symptoms felt at all. Some of the most common symptoms include,
Appetite loss
Abdominal bloating
Black stool
Abdominal pain
Diagnosis of gastritis:
For a gastritis diagnosis, a physician will determine your family and personal medical history through thorough evaluation and may recommend any one of the following tests.
Blood tests: Your physician may perform many blood tests like checking your RBC count to check if you have anaemia, which determines that your body does not have enough RBC. These blood tests can screen a person for H. pylori infection and other types of anaemia like pernicious anaemia.
Upper endoscopy: A thin tube attached with a small camera, an endoscope, is inserted through the mouth and is sent down to the stomach to view the stomach lining. The physician checks for any inflammation in the stomach and perform a biopsy where a tiny tissue sample is removed and sent to a lab for further analysis.
Fecal occult blood test: Through this test, you can identify blood in your stool which is a possible sign of gastritis.
Breath test: A breath test is used to reveal if the source of the gastritis is H. pylori.
Best treatment for gastritis:
Treatment for gastritis usually involves,
Avoiding spicy and too hot foods.
Consuming antacids and taking other medicines that reduce stomach acids.
When gastritis is caused by H. pylori, your physician may prescribe a regimen of antibiotics for heartburn.
Completely eliminating irritation causing foods from your diet like lactose present in dairy or gluten found in wheat.
If gastritis is caused due to pernicious anaemia, generally Vitamin B12 shots will be given.
Talk to your physician before you opt for any kind of treatment or taking any medication on your own.
There are certain types of food you should avoid or reduce the intake of to prevent and manage gastritis better. They are,
Spicy foods
Acidic foods
Fried foods
Fatty foods
Carbonated drinks
The following foods ease the symptoms of gastritis.
High fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans.
Caffeine free foods
Non-carbonated drinks
Low acidity foods like vegetables and beans
Low fat foods like fish, vegetables and lean meat.
Probiotic foods like yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, etc.
Home remedies:
There are many home remedies for gastritis that works to ease the production of acid in the stomach, regulating H. pylori bacteria, and reducing inflammation in the stomach lining. Compounds present in food that reduce gastritis includes,
Anti-inflammatory compounds
Anti-bacterial compounds
Molecules and compounds that improves faster digestion
Lifestyle modifications pertaining to gastritis treatment:
Many lifestyle changes that are long term help to curb gastritis episodes. These include,
Quitting smoking
Avoiding overuse of painkillers
Reducing alcohol intake
Eating frequent and small meals
Reducing the intake of caffeine
Managing stress
Drinking a lot of water regularly
Gastritis can get complicated over time when left untreated and can become a chronic condition leading to complications like stomach bleeding, stomach ulcers and polyps (i.e., small outgrowths). There are many home remedies and treatment for managing gastritis which can be followed to reduce the condition. The best way to curb gastritis is to combine the right medication along with dietary changes.