In the current COVID situation when you have to wear a mask continuously for hours. Refrain from touching your face and the mask repeatedly. Because of a lot of germ transfer more acne breakouts can be caused. Don’t worry, You can consult dermatologist online from the Second Opinion App.
Maskne is acne or other skin irritation that results from wearing a mask, especially a medical, N95, or cloth face mask. The reason skin irritation develops isn’t strictly due to the mask itself, but the fact is that it traps warm, humid air next to the skin.
Follow the following steps to avoid Mask
- Always use a washable cotton mask with a nose pin. It helps to avoid burning sensations in your eyes as well as fogging your specs if you use one.
- Before wearing a mask, make sure you wash your face with a sulfate-free face wash.
- Then apply a daycare moisturizer from the face to the neck.
- Sanitize your hand and wear the mask.
- Avoid touching your mask again and again.
- While removing the mask also, first sanitize your hand.
- Remove the mask and wash it before second use.
- Wash your face with sulfate-free face wash.
- Tone your face with Gulab Jal.
- Now use the moisturizer.
How to prevent it?
Use a gentle cleanser that is free of fragrance and oil, and rinse with lukewarm water. Apply a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and act as a barrier between your face and your mask. Wearing skin makeup under a mask can cause clogged pores and breakouts, according to recent studies. Medicated skincare products that contain benzoyl peroxide, retinol, and salicylic acid will be more irritating to the skin.
Ask questions to dermatologist
One can make a video call from home to the dermatologist in Ask Second Opinion. The specialists will give some insights about skin conditions happening due to face coverings or wearing a mask.
- What can happen to the skin if you have Maskne?
- What are the causes of Maskne?
- How to differentiate hormonal acne & Maskne?
- Do’s & Don’ts to treat Maskne?
- How to prevent Mask Acne?
Keep yourself safe & healthy. If your muscle gets worsen, reach out to your dermatologists.To get more information here is the best place to find a solution for your skin problem from an expert dermatologist at any time in Ask Second Opinion.